If you don't have sufficient space on your / or /opt partition for the default bareos working directory (/opt/bacula/working/), we can remedy the problem with a few configuration changes.
NOTE: Running jobs will be interrupted, so please make sure you wait for anything you want to finish first!
First, determine the new path you would like to move the working folder too. Normally this will be the same partition you store your backup volumes on, in this case we'll move the working folder from /opt/bareos to /backup
service bacula-sd stop
Edit Config-sd.conf file
Initialize your desired path :
WorkingDirectory = "/backup/working"
Pid Directory = "/backup/working"
Save the changes and exit editing the file.
Cd /var/lib
Mv bareos bareos.bak
cp -fr bareos.bak /backup/working
Chown -R bareos:bareos /backup/working
ln -s /backup/working /var/lib/bareos
Service bareos-sd start