Create mailbox forwards in cPanel

Create mailbox forwards in cPanel

Email forwarding is a way to send an email that is delivered to one email address to a different email address. In this guide we will show you how to setup Email Forwarders in your cPanel.

What are Email Forwarders?

Email forwarders allow you to send a copy of an email from one email address to another email address automatically. If you have multiple email addresses for your business one good use for email forwarders is to have all the messages forward to one account. So if you have, and email addresses all of them can be sent to one account such as That way, you will no longer have to check all the email accounts. You will only need to check the account. Setting up email forwarders can be done through cPanel or through your webmail login page:

cPanel allows you to create two types of email forwarders: Account Forwarders and Domain Forwarders.Account forwarders are assigned as one forwarder per email account. You can create multiple forwarders, but you have to do them individually. Domain forwarders are based on a domain name. When you create a domain forwarder it will send all email to the domain that you specify. Be cautiuous with this option as it overrides the existing domain setting for email accounts. For example, if you create a domain forwarder for to forward to, any email for will automatically go to Corresponding email accounts must exist in order for email to be delivered - they're not automatically created for you. Catch-All emails are not permitted on shared server accounts

Creating a forwarder in cPanel

  1. Log into the cPanel.
  2. Navigate to the Mail > Forwarders section. 
  3. On the forwarders page, click Add Forwarder
  4. On the Add a New Forwarder page, Fill in the following sections

    Address: Type the email address username in the Address to Forward: and select the domain from the drop box the user name is for.

    Destination: Type the full email address that you want to forwarder emails to in the text box.

    Click Add Forwarder.

    Now the Add a New Forwarder page should show:

    All email sent to will now be copied to

    Note! You can add multiple email addresses to your forwarder separated by commas to set a forwarder for multiple email addresses at once. Like the following:,,

Congratulations, the email forwarder was created in the cPanel mail forwarders. Now when going to the Email Account Forwarders page, the forwarder will show up on the list.

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