How to enable custom error pages (Hsphere)

How to enable custom error pages (Hsphere)

By using this feature in hsphere, you can
define what will be done if a requested resource page on your site is
missing or it fails to open for any reason.

Here is how you can set this up in hsphere:

1. Login to the hsphere account in which you want to setup custom error pages for.

2. Select quick access which is in the "Account Menu" you should see
"Web Options" click on web options. If multiple domains are hosted,
select which one to configure from list.

3. Scroll down to locate the section "Error" you should see an icon
with a green arrow pointing up with white page. Click on this.

4. Select the desired Error Document Code from drop down list, enter
your Message or URL in input box. So to redirect visitors to you would select error document code 404 following your link to error document into the input box.

5. You will see two different "Type" listed. Redirect and Message. This
would be a redirect, click submit button to save changes.

6. Next you will see this in red text "Changes need to be applied" it
will be near "Server Configuration" in Web Options. Click the blue
"Apply" button to save changes to this site.

Code References Below:

Server Errors

500 Internal Server Error

501 Not Implemented

502 Bad Gateway

503 Service Unavailable

504 Gateway Timeout

505 HTTP Version Not Supported

Successful Client Requests

200 OK

201 Created

202 Accepted

203 Non-Authorative Information

204 No Content

205 Reset Content

206 Partial Content

Client Request Redirected

300 Multiple Choices

301 Moved Permanently

302 Moved Temporarily

303 See Other

304 Not Modified

305 Use Proxy

Client Request Errors

400 Bad Request

401 Authorization Required

402 Payment Required (not used yet)

403 Forbidden

404 Not Found

405 Method Not Allowed

406 Not Acceptable (encoding)

407 Proxy Authentication Required

408 Request Timed Out

409 Conflicting Request

410 Gone

411 Content Length Required

412 Precondition Failed

413 Request Entity Too Long

414 Request URI Too Long

415 Unsupported Media Type
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