How to install & configure SMTP Plugin in WP (WordPress)

How to install & configure SMTP Plugin in WP (WordPress)

This guide is meant for customers on any shared/reseller hosting servers.  we also recommend that customers with their own servers have the same security protocol in place, do not send out email without smtp authentication, and only configure against a locally hosted email address

Install the WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin

  1. First, log in your Wordpress admin dashboard.

  2. Once logged in, hover over Plugins and click on Add New. On this page, enter WP Mail SMTP into the search field and press the Enter key.

  3. You should now see a list of your search results. As you have searched for the exact file name, the WP Mail SMTP plugin should be the first result. To install it, click Install Now.

  4. WordPress will now handle the download and installation of the WP Mail SMTP plugin for you. Once complete, be sure to click Activate Plugin to activate it.

Configuring WordPress to send using SMTP authentication

Now that you have installed the WP Mail SMTP plugin, you will just now need to configure it. In the following steps, we will be configuring the SMTP settings for the WP Mail SMTP plugin.


    On the left side navigation menu of your WordPress admin dashboard, hover over Settings and click on Email.


    Next, scroll down to the SMTP Options section.


    Within the SMTP Options section, set Authentication to Yes.


    Next up is the Username and Password fields. In these fields, enter the email address that you will be sending from within the Username field, as well as the password for that account within the Password field.
    PLEASE NOTE - you must authenticate locally and cannot use a 3rd party email server.
    PLEASE NOTE - you should try without SSL first, as your servername will need to match the servers hostname and primary SSL, you can configure this later once you get regular SMTP working

  5. Now that you have entered the proper authentication information, click the Save Changes button.


    If you want to test your settings, you may go to the Send a Test Email section and enter an email address that you want to send to, then click the Send Test button.

Congratulations! You have now configured WordPress to use SMTP authentication when sending mail on the server.

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