mod_fcgid: HTTP request length exceeds MaxRequestLen

mod_fcgid: HTTP request length exceeds MaxRequestLen

If you see an error akin to the following:

[warn] [client] mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 139264 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen (131072), referer:

Add the following to the vhost config for the site:

<IfModule fcgid_module>
FcgidMaxRequestLen 200000

If you still get the error, progressively increase the value (200KB in the example) by values of 100KB. Don't go over 2MB though. If they need more, get confirmation from L3 before proceeding.

vhost configs are kept in the following directory:


And vhost ID's can be found by going to the web options for the domain and looking at the server alias:

6516566.conf is the name of the site's vhost file.

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