MSSQL Redirect Module

MSSQL Redirect Module

Cartika has introduced an MSSQL redirect module available for all Reseller customers (including UR customers, VDC, VPS and Cloud customers with MSSQL enabled)

This module can be found under E.Manager > 3rd party Tools > CPDevel in your reseller control panel.

The module exists because we no longer use the native MSSQL Manager within Hsphere. Instead, we have installed a 3rd party tool called "mylittleadmin" - which is a much more functional and useful utility

By default, we have set all MSSQL Manager links in end user control panels to redirect, in a white label manner - to our installs of mylittle admin. However, for users with their own VDC, VPS or Cloud installs, who do not wish to pay for or utilize their own mylittleadmin installs, you can set a custom URL to redirect users to. This custom URL can include instructions on how to download an SQL manager to their desktop and how to connect to MSSQL that way - or anything else you desire really.

Customers with their own managed servers, VPS, Cloud VM Hsphere servers can also request we install the free version of mylittle admin on their server.  Then from our admin hsphere interface, we can link your MSSQL server to this mylittleadmin install.  Once done, when you include MSSQL manager service in your plan, customers will see a redirect link to your mylittleadmin install from within their control panel

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