MYSQL basic user permissions

MYSQL basic user permissions

 Grant Different User Permissions On a MYSQL database.

Here is a short list of other common possible permissions that users can enjoy.

  • ALL PRIVILEGES- as we saw previously, this would allow a MySQL user all access to a designated database (or if no database is selected, across the system)
  • CREATE- allows them to create new tables or databases
  • DROP- allows them to them to delete tables or databases
  • DELETE- allows them to delete rows from tables
  • INSERT- allows them to insert rows into tables
  • SELECT- allows them to use the Select command to read through databases
  • UPDATE- allow them to update table rows
  • GRANT OPTION- allows them to grant or remove other users' privileges

To provide a specific user with a permission, you can use this framework:

 GRANT [type of permission] ON [database name].[table name] TO ‘[username]’@'localhost’;

e.g. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_db .* TO 'test-db-user'@'localhost';

If you want to give them access to any database or to any table, make sure to put an asterisk (*) in the place of the database name or table name.

Each time you update or change a permission be sure to use the Flush Privileges command.


If you need to revoke a permission, the structure is almost identical to granting it:
 REVOKE [type of permission] ON [database name].[table name] FROM ‘[username]’@‘localhost’;

Just as you can delete databases with DROP, you can use DROP to delete a user altogether:

 DROP USER ‘demo’@‘localhost’;

To test out your new user, log out by typing


and log back in with this command in terminal:

mysql -u [username]-p
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