Password Protection for Hsphere Windows Directories
If you are in a Shared Windows HSPHERE environment and wish to password protect a directory please follow these steps:
1. Create a sub-ftp account via your h-sphere control panel. This can be found under >FTP/User Account>FTP User>FTP sub-accounts
2. Add the following to the web.config file in the target directory:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<basicAuthentication enabled="true" />
<remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
<add accessType="Allow" roles="USER-NAME" />
3. Thats it, once the user ftp account has been created and the web.config has been updated and reflects the desired users access, password protection on the directory should automatically take effect.
If you have a Windows VPS you can follow these steps to set up password protection on directories via IIS:
1. Log into your server through Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Connection.
2. Create your desired Windows User.
3. Click Start, select Programs, and then click Administrative Tools.
* For IIS 5.0 click Internet Services Manager.
* For IIS 6.0 click Internet Information Services.
4. In the left column you will see the Server Name.
* In IIS 5.0, expand the Server Name to find the domain name.
* In IIS 6.0, expand the Server Name and then Web Sites to find the domain name
5. Right-click on the domain name and select Properties.
6. On the Directory Security Tab under Authentication and Access Control click Edit.
7. Uncheck Enable Anonymous Access.
8. Choose the level of Authenticated Access:
* Integrated Windows Authentication: encrypts the password sent to the server (we recommend this method)
* Digest Authentication: this level works only if Active Directory is configured
* Basic Authentication: sends the password across the network in clear text (we do not recommend this method)
* .Net Passport Authentication: a web authentication service
9. Click Ok and then click Ok a second time.
10. Navigate to the folder on your server containing the contents of your website.
11. Right click the folder and select Properties.
12. On the Security tab click Add.
13. Enter the name of the user you created and click OK.
14. If you wish to allow other users to login, repeat steps 12 and 13 with the additional user names.
Your website is now password protected. If you prefer to password protect only a folder, rather than your entire website, you can repeat the exact steps above on the individual folder, rather than your entire website.
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