Redirect non www domain to www in classic asp

Redirect non www domain to www in classic asp

If you are running your site on classic .asp, on a IIS 6 web server. Here is a method you can use to forward all non www. requests to

Create a new file for example named: redirect.asp | and insert this code into the file redirect.asp


svrHttps = request.servervariables("HTTPS")
svrHost = request.servervariables("HTTP_HOST")
svrUrl = request.servervariables("URL")
svrQueryString = request.servervariables("QUERY_STRING")

IF left(svrHost,4) <> "www." THEN

IF svrHttps = "off" THEN
svrNewUrl = "http://www./"
svrNewUrl = "https://www./"

svrNewUrl = svrNewUrl & svrHost & svrUrl
svrNewUrl = replace(svrNewUrl,"default.asp","")
svrNewUrl = replace(svrNewUrl,"index.asp","")

IF len(svrQueryString) > 0 THEN
svrNewUrl = svrNewUrl & "?" & svrQueryString

response.status = "301 Moved Permanently"
response.addheader "Location", svrNewUrl



Then you will want to include the redirect.asp file in your main index page, such as index.asp or default.asp. Include this line of code in the main websites index page:

<!--#include file="redirect.asp"-->
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