Cartika requires SMTP authentication from any shared/reseller server against any local mail server in order for web applications to send email out to the internet.
Email flow works as follows:
> web server (linux or windows) shared IP
> SMTP authentication required in the script to authenticate against a local email user
> eMail flows to local email server
> local email server relays email to our spamexperts SMTP (outgoing) email appliances
> Spamexperts scrubs all SMTP traffic and then eMail goes out to the internet
Common applications (ie wordpress, joomla, etc) all have various options for achieving SMTP authentication ie plugins. Custom built applications need to utilize SMTP authentication and cannot rely on local web server sendmail types of functionality. To utilize SMTP authentication, please do the following:
1) Download as attached.
2) Unzip into working directory.
4) Go to the try section of the script and edit SMTP Host, Port, Username (must be valid email address), Password and AddAddress recipient. Important note to take into account at this step is the SMTP host must be hosted within our internal network. Remote mail servers ie. gmail, hotmail, yahoo is not permitted for security reasons.
5) Once saved, browse test_smtp_advanced.php. PHP debugging will trace as to whether specified SMTP settings are valid and display errors encountered.
6) Check AddAddress recipient if you reached "Message Sent OK", otherwise repeat step 4 with different mail setting combinations.