SSL certificate not valid for but is for or vice versa

SSL certificate not valid for but is for or vice versa

Problem 1:

I have purchased an SSL for, however, gives an SSL error

Problem 2:

I have purchased an SSL for, however, gives an SSL error


Most SSLs will provide a certificate for only or
-- whichever is given during the signing request generation. As such,
when using SSLs visitors need to go to the one that matches the SSL's
"common name" (CN) (an SSL's equal to a domain name). So before
purchasing an SSL, you need to decide which address you want to use.
Having www on an address is technically not needed and some prefer to
not have www at all.

Some SSLs, like those from comodo (or via the buy and install option in hsphere), comes valid with both and . You can also use a multiple domain SSL, however, this is typically a more expensive option.
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