Hsphere General
HSphere: Account Disk Usage
To find the disk usage on one or more accounts please reference this article as it shows how to look up that information from your reseller account. If you only have an end user account please contact your reseller or Cartika directly. 1. Log into ...
Protect a directory in H-sphere
How to protect a directory through Hsphere: 1. Login to Your control panel 2. Click FTP Manager 3. Click File Manager (HtProtect) 4. Click Protect at the bottom 5. Browse to the directory you want to lock, in this case "admin" (click the + through, ...
How to Setup an Exchange Reseller Account for ALL Hsphere Resellers
Hello, This is a quick tutorial on how to setup an Exchange Reseller account if you have ANY Hsphere based reseller control panel (includes shared UR accounts, or VPS/Clouds/Dedicated servers with an hsphere reseller control panel). This process is ...
How to create a Sharepoint 2010 Plan and Account
This guide will outline how to create a sharepoint 2010 plan and account Sharepoint is a specialized windows plan setup as a customer server group. In order to setup users on sharepoint servers, a customized windows hosting plan will need to be ...
Urchin Fees Continue To Accrue After Disabling In Plan
Question: Why do my Urchin fees continue to accrue after I have turned off the option in my plans? Answer: You must first turn off Urchin Stats in the end-user accounts where in use before disabling it in the plans. This can be found under Web ...
Menu Hider Module
Cartika has added a new Module that is ready to use for ALL reseller customers. This includes UR customers, VDC, VPS or Cloud Hsphere customers. The menu hider can be found in your reseller control panel under E.Manager > 3rd Party Tools > CPDevel ...
How to Setup and Bill for WSP Exchange Accounts in Hsphere
PHASE2 of our hsphere/websitepanel exchange 2010 integration allows our and reseller end users to setup Exchange accounts from within hsphere and auto create them in your WSP reseller account. PHASE2 also autolinks hsphere accounts with WSP accounts ...
Adding Subdomain to Alternate HSphere Account
If you are wanting to add a subdomain to an HSphere account, keep in mind that if the root domain is already assigned to an HSphere account, you cannot assign subdomains to a different account than the account that owns the domain. Some alternatives ...
How to change a domain name in Hsphere on live site
1) Add the new domain domain1.com to the account via hsphere control panel and make sure you point the domain to the nameservers listed in hsphere before proceeding (and give it time to resolve etc) 2) Log into the account via FTP (or use web shell) ...
Enable/disable reject all mail on a mailbox
To enable or disable the "reject all mail" setting on mailboxes in hsphere (this is the solution to the '550 sorry, mail resource in discard mode' error) navigate to the hsphere control panel> mail info> "edit mailbox" for the desired account under ...
No Data Received (ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE) [Webshell]
Step 1: Open Command Prompt (Admin). Step 2: Run below commands one by one. ipconfig /release ipconfig /all ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /renew netsh int ip set dns netsh winsock reset Now Restart your PC.
Outgoing emails have [SPAM] in the subject line
If outgoing emails have [SPAM] in the subject line, or other spam related email issues, be sure to look at the rules in the anti spam preferences section of mail manager in hSphere, as they may need to be relaxed.
mod_fcgid: HTTP request length exceeds MaxRequestLen
If you see an error akin to the following: [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 139264 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen (131072), referer: http://tavolas.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1478&action=edit Add the following to the vhost ...
Error processing credit card: Charge failure more than XX times
This error occurs when a credit card has been charged and failed to process x number of times. As a reseller, you can configure this failure limit by performing the following: Log into your reseller account Go to Settings > Payment Settings > ...
Reseller - Enable CVV Field In Billing Profile
To enable the CVV (three or four digit) for credit cards in the billing profile for end users, perform the following: Log into your reseller account at cp.cartikahosting.com Go to Settings > Signup Guard Check CVV Validation Click Submit
Configure your Email Client
Please select mail info from your h-sphere control panel (under Mail Info -> Mail Manager) to see all of the required settings. there are also a ful suite of video demos available here https://www.cartika.com/video-demos/tutorials.html
Dedicated Application Pools
To create a Dedicated App pool, log into your end-user account, go to Account > Account Settings. At the very bottom you'll see Dedicated Application Pool. Click the white paper with the up arrow. Select the options necessary and click Submit. Next, ...
MSSQL Redirect Module
Cartika has introduced an MSSQL redirect module available for all Reseller customers (including UR customers, VDC, VPS and Cloud customers with MSSQL enabled) This module can be found under E.Manager > 3rd party Tools > CPDevel in your reseller ...
Finding new A Records for Hsphere Migrated Accounts
Finding "A" Records for newly migrated accounts. If you have been sent a notice that you are required to change a DNS entry, please follow the below steps to find the correct IP address to update the "A" record for the domain. Login to the ...
Permission issues in wordpress
If there is a permissions error in a wordpress install it's possible the php version is libphp. libphp requires 777 permissions everywhere and that's very insecure. If the version is libphp under hsphere change it to fastcgi which is more secure and ...
How to change Service Domain with hsphere reseller account
Changing the Primary Service Domain: The primary service domain for a reseller customer in hsphere is tied into a lot of things, including all of the server aliases, nameservers, etc. The way to accomplish changing the reseller service domain is not ...
How to change default index page to another file name - Hsphere
User would like to specify the default index page to be something other then index.html From the hsphere control panel > select web options > scroll down and activate directory index > add the path to the file you wish to act as the default index ...
Temporary Hsphere URL to view website before making dns changes
User would like to view contents of domain before making DNS changes. Typically occurs when users are migrating from another hosting provider and wants to make certain the site is configured properly before making any changes. Each account within ...
Instant Access domain alias/Temporary URL not working in Hsphere
This usually because the instant alias was not submitted when we launched a new server. TO fix this, please do the following: First, submit any missing Server Aliases In your admin section, go to E.manager --> Server Aliases Scroll to the bottom of ...
AWstats Not Working on Hsphere - Internal Server Error 500
AWstats doesn't work or is resulting in an internal server error(500) when launched. In order for AWStats to work properly, the following items must be set up under web options for the domain in question: activate cgi extensions (.cgi and .pl) ...
How to Setup URL Redirection (Hsphere)
You can use this function in Hsphere to redirect your visitors from one domain's web page to another, or to a completely different domain name. To create a redirect do the following: 1. Login to hsphere control panel. 2. Go to "Quick Access" on the ...
How to change domain to Dedicated IP (Hsphere)
To change your domain to a dedicated IP address in Hsphere, do the following steps. 1. Login to hsphere control panel. 2. Go to "Quick Access" on the left hand side menu bar. 3. Under Domain Settings, you will see "Web Options" click on this. If you ...
Setting up a Cron Job (Hsphere)
1. Login to your Hsphere account. 2. Point your cursor over to "FTP/User Account" in the top menu a drop down menu will appear and click "FTP User" 3. Click red "Off" button to turn it on if it's currently set to off. Skip this step if it's already ...
Domain Aliases in Hsphere
In H-Sphere, setting up a domain alias is similar to adding a new domain, but during the process it will give you the option to set it up for it's own web hosting and/or mail services or to make it an alias. END USERS: To create an alias, do the ...
Setting Custom DNS Entries in H-Sphere
To create a custom record to your DNS zone, do the following: 1. Select Domain info in the Domain Settings menu. 2. On the page that appears, click the Edit icon in the DNS Configuration field: 3. This link will take you to the DNS Configuration ...
Autoresponders in Hsphere
Understanding Autoresponders Autoresponder automatically sends a preset message in reply to all mail sent to the autoresponder's e-mail address. They don't store the incoming mail as mailboxes do, nor can they be used to send messages other than the ...
How to self service restore or download backups - Hsphere
1) log into your hsphere control panel 2) navigate to bacula4hosts restore view and ensure the service is enabled (if disabled, click the red "off" square and then it will be enabled) - see attached 2) browse to the service you wish to restore (web, ...
How to enable custom error pages (Hsphere)
By using this feature in hsphere, you can define what will be done if a requested resource page on your site is missing or it fails to open for any reason. Here is how you can set this up in hsphere: 1. Login to the hsphere account in which you want ...
Activating SpamExperts for a domain - inbound spam/av filtering
Spamexperts is an enterprise grade spam and av email filtering solution. It provides customers daily digests they can manage, extensive log searching of inbound emails, advanced whitelist/blacklist management and generally a much better mail ...
How to find DNS name server settings (Hsphere)
If you are looking for the proper DNS name servers to point your domain name at, you can locate this information in the Hsphere control panel. 1. Login to hsphere control panel. 2. Go to "Quick Access" on the left hand side menu bar. 3. Under Domain ...