err_too_many_redirects on WordPress - Php
How to Solve Too Many Redirects Error in WordPress? The most common misconfiguration that we have come across repeatedly is when a user has incorrect URL in WordPress Address URL or Site Address URL settings. For example, lets assume that your site’s ...
SMTP Authentication Failure
The Mail::factory PHP Script does not like to play well with some of our servers, Instruct the client instead to use this one - When sending emails in cPanel, mailer script must utilize smtp authentication and ...
Wordpress error establishing a database connection
First create testconn.php Fill it with the actual db connection string from either wp-config.php or from the client himself. ======= <?php $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password'); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . ...
How to get your own PHP error log via .htaccess
I would like to get my own PHP error log, how can I do this? =========================================== If you don't have a .htaccess file, create it it using the file manager or a regular text editor on your computer and upload that file using ftp. ...
How to setup email account Mac OS/X (
1 ) Open the application from the dock menu, alternatively you can find in the Applications folder. 2 ) If you do not see the "Welcome to Mail" assistant menu usually when you first start mail application, choose "Add Account" from ...
Common .htaccess Redirects
#301 Redirects for .htaccess #Redirect a single page: Redirect 301 /pagename.php #Redirect an entire site: Redirect 301 / #Redirect an entire site to a sub folder Redirect 301 / ...
PHP script outputs Notice (8): Undefined variable: errstr
PROBLEM ======== PHP script throws the following error: Notice (8): Undefined variable: errstr RESOLUTION ========== Contact Technical Support to review php.ini settings to see if socket functions are disabled on the server.
Changing PHP version on Linux/FreeBSD accounts
Note: The option to change PHP versions between php4 and php5 is only available on certain servers, as PHP4 is currently End of Life. To change PHP versions on Linux/FreeBSD, do the following: 1. Select Domain info in the Domain Settings menu. 2. ...
Changing PHP Memory Limit via .htaccess
If you get an error such as: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 317560 bytes) On your PHP scripts, you can fix it with a line in your .htaccess reading: php_value memory_limit 12M Simply modify the 12M to ...
PHP5 on Windows: Error in my_thread_global_end()
Using PHP5 on Windows you receive an error such as: "Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit" This is currently a known bug in PHP5 on Windows. As this does not affect the correct operation of scripts, it is recommended you disable PHP ...
How do i change timezone for PHP?
You can change the timezone to cater to your specific time zone location. For example, if the server is located in Central Standard Time, but you live and do business in New York and require that orders coming in from your website be input as Eastern ...
Turning on Fastcgi for PHP
Hsphere related: If you need writing of files and folders for PHP under linux, please turn fastcgi on for php . This will make PHP run as the ftp user and will not require special permissions or ownerships. To turn on fastcgi for php please do the ...
Increasing Upload Size/Time in PHP Applications
1) Create a .htaccess file in the root folder of the web server. 2) Put the following code in side the .htaccess file and save it. php_value upload_max_filesize 50M php_value post_max_size 50M php_value max_execution_time 200 php_value max_input_time ...
Have PHP parse .html and other extensions
How to make .html or other extension parable by php -- hsphere: 1) Login to the control panel for the domain 2) Go to Domain Settings --> Web options --> domain (if multiple domains in the account) 3) Click the "Add extensions to PHP" button that is ...
Enable mod_expires in your hosting account
Because we do not enable mod_expires at the global level, you need to enable it in your .htaccess file. You can enable it on a per-directory basis and it applies recursively. This example enables mod_expires for a set of common image types and CSS ...
Enable Multisite for wordpress
To enable multisite support in wordpress do the following steps: (1)Go to hsphere user's home directory and find the related folder for wordpress in which wp-config.php file exists. (2)Edit wp-cofnig.php file and at end of file add below mentioned ...
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension
The attached phpinfo.txt, it does not look like the MYSQLI extensions are enabled for CLI The hsphere feature is ran on the web server. Hsphere however is a clustered control panel, by this each service (web, database, and mail) are all ran on ...