Error processing credit card: Charge failure more than XX times

Error processing credit card: Charge failure more than XX times

This error occurs when a credit card has been charged and failed to process x number of times.

As a reseller, you can configure this failure limit by performing the following:
  1. Log into your reseller account
  2. Go to Settings > Payment Settings > Merchant Gateway
  3. Under Merchant configuration, set the Maximum allowed failed charge attempts for credit cards to a greater value
  4. Click Submit
If a limit has been reached, you will see the following error when attempting to process credit card transactions:

Error: Error processing credit card: Charge failure more than times

Where is the value set in the Merchant configuration field above.

To clear this error, you need to go to your Reports > CC Processing Errors and do a search for the account that is displaying the error. Once found, click Reset under the Controls column.

At this point you should be able to attempt to charge the credit card again.
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