Using CPMove For Account Transfer

Using CPMove For Account Transfer

The best way to transfer cPanel > cPanel is to use their transfer tool:
  1. Log into the cPanel account (end-user)
  2. Go to Files > Backup Wizard
  3. Select Backup
  4. Select backup directory (you'll most likely use home directory)
  5. Click Generate Backup

Once the backup finishes, download it from your home directory

Then you import it via WHM on the new host:
  1. Search for cpmove
  2. Select Restore a Full Backup/cpmove File from the menu on the left
  3. Under Transfer Method, select Restore From File
  4. Browse and select the backup you created/downloaded in the previous step
  5. The remaining settings should be fine
  6. Click Restore
You can only restore from WHM. If you are trying to restore TO a shared host, Cartika support staff will have to perform the import. If you have a VPS/, you should be able to perform this yourself.

Feel free to contact support if you have any questions.
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