Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension

Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension

The attached phpinfo.txt, it does not look like the MYSQLI extensions are enabled for CLI

The hsphere feature is ran on the web server. Hsphere however is a clustered control panel, by this each service (web, database, and mail) are all ran on independent servers. Trying to query the local web server for info from your databases it will not work.

Our mysql servers are not "local" - we are in a cluster. so, guessing by what you are saying, but, mysql not found, is likely because its looking for 
localhost. whereas the DB server is not local, and if you go under mysql tab, you wll see the mysql server hostname

Either this script has the ability to configure this to look for non local mysql host and its misconfigured for your environment - OR - the script cannot accommodate a non local host mysql
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